Monday, March 1, 2010

Friendly Wager

Obama owes Harper a few brews after Canada takes U.S. in Olympic hockey

VANCOUVER, B.C. - It seems U.S. President Barack Obama owes Prime Minister Stephen Harper a few cold ones.

The two leaders had a friendly bet on the outcome of Sunday's gold-medal Olympic hockey game.

Team Canada came out on top, so Obama will have to pick up a 24-pack of Molson Canadian for the prime minister. Harper would have had to buy Obama a case of Yuengling beer if the U.S. had taken the top honour at the tournament.

Team USA beat Team Canada in the first match-up between the two countries in the preliminary rounds, but Canada came out on top in a heart-stopping overtime round on Sunday.

Harper was at the game in Vancouver but Obama did not make an appearance at the Olympics.

The prime minister met with the gold medal winners in the locker room after the game to congratulate them.

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