Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Today is Popeye's creator's birthday. E. C. Segar was born on this day in 1894, making him 115. He sadly passed away in 1938. Check out his bio on Wikipedia here.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Star Wars In Concert

On November 25th, my wife and I went to see Star Wars In Concert at the Bell Centre in Montreal, Canada. It was a BLAST!!! The ambiance and enthusiasm of the crowd was great and the music was fantastic from the 20th Century Fox Fanfare to the Imperial March. A surprise was that Anthony Daniels is the narrator of the show and received NUMEROUS applause from the fans. If you can still catch the show, DO IT!!! You will not be disappointed.

The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody

This is a classic! I have ALWAYS loved the Muppets in all their forms (Sesame Street, Pre and Post Jim Henson Muppets stuff) but this one rocks!

Check it out here!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sesame Street Turns 40!

I and most kids in North America and in a lot of countries around the world have heard of or seen Sesame Street while growing up. Next week is Sesame Street's 40th birthday. I have many fond memories of the characters, stories, songs in the show. Click here to see the Wikipedia article on Sesame Street.

Here are Google's tributes to Sesame Street.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Mafia Wars

I have been playing Mafia Wars on Yahoo and Facebook for the last couple of weeks. It has been a fun and addictive way to spend a few minutes or hours of my free time.

I will be posting some observations, tips and tricks for all who venture into the world of organize crime in the next few days and weeks. Look out!

Asterix Turns 50

Yes, it was Asterix the Gaul's (Asterix le Gaulois) 50th birthday yesterday (October 29th). I have been a fan of him and his friends for many years. Google posted a different logo yesterday to commemorate the event.

My favorite book is probably "Obelix and Company" and my favorite movie is "Les Douze travaux d'Astérix".

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Quebec Joke

From speaking with people from around the world over the years, there is one constant: we like to make fun of ourselves with jokes. In Canada, there are Newfie jokes and apparently, in Germany there is an equivalent type of joke. Here is one about life in Quebec:

Vivre au Québec

Si tu as déjà porté un manteau d'hiver et des shorts en même temps,
Tu vis au Québec!
Si tu mesures la distance en heures,
Tu vis au Québec!
Si dans ta voiture tu as déjà passé du chauffage, à A/C , et revenu au
chauffage dans la même journée,
Tu vis au Québec!
Si tu es capable de conduire à 80 km/h dans 2 pieds de neige dans une
tempête de neige sans broncher,
Tu vis au Québec!
Si tu as déjà fait des ajustements aux costumes d'Halloween de tes
enfants pour qu'ils puissent les porter par dessus un habit d'hiver,
Tu vis au Québec!
Si tu transportes des câbles à survoltage et que ta femme sait s'en
Tu vis au Québec!
Si la limite sur l'autoroute est 100km/h, que tu roules 130km/h et que
tout le monde te dépasse,
Tu vis au Québec!
Si conduire est préférable en hiver car les nids de poule sont
remplis de neige,
Tu vis au Québec!
Si tu connais les 4 saisons, Presque l'Hiver, l'Hiver, Encore l'esti
d'Hiver et les Travaux Routiers,
Tu vis au Québec!
Si tu trouves moins 6 degrés juste un peu frisquet,
Tu vis au Québec!
Si tu comprends ces blagues et que tu les envoies à tes copains,
Tu vis au Québec!

....Et que signifie réellement les lettres suivantes ?

TVQ et TPS ....réponse !

Tu Vis au Québec et Tu Payes en Sacrament

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ascii Sector Version 0.6

The latest version of Ascii Sector was released on August 31st. I am finishing up some missions with Version before upgrading. The new version will allow for ship boardings to occur.

If you wish to lead the life of a pirate, this version should quench your thirst. However, what goes around comes around... A pirate can board your ship as well...

Check it out here!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ascii Sector

I have been a fan of the classic game Wing Commander: Privateer which was released in 1993. I have been playing it or one of several derivative versions. Recently, I discovered Ascii Sector.

Ascii Sector is a 2D version of the game using the original as a template. By ascii, it means that all graphics are composed of characters on a standard keyboard.

Try it out here!

G.I. Joe : The Rise of Cobra

I went to see the new G.I. Joe movie on Sunday night. It was a blast! This is not an award-winner but a lot of fun! The action was great. The story was believable. A few threads were left open for possible sequels... Well worth the money.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Ice Age 3

I went with my family to see Ice Age 3 last weekend. It was a great movie. something for kids and something for adults. I highly recommend it to all.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

I got the chance to see the new Transformers movie last week while on vacation and really liked it. I still haven't watched the entire first movie, but I was able to understand the basic story.

Great special effects!

Letterman's Top Ten List with Optimus Prime

If you like David Letterman's Top 10 Lists, here is a clip of Optimus Prime, the Autobot leader reading the list on July 6th, 2009.

Very funny!

Check it out here!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

25 Cool Free Cross-Platform Games

I was doing my daily scan of Download Squad this morning and found this list of 25 free cross-platform games. I am starting a small summer vacation tonight so I might try a couple while I relax after a hectic winter and spring at work.

Check it out here!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Star Trek - Part 2

I went to see Star Trek again tonight. I was very pleased to see a good crowd in the theater even after 6 weeks of being presented. A GREAT movie for all!!!

Some on the Net have said that they don't like the fact that Kirk becomes a captain right out of the academy. I feel that since he is older than most cadets and is EXTREMELY qualified, than why not? Starfleet needs leaders to help its exploration and defense mandate and Kirk is a natural born leader.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Star Trek

I went to see Star Trek on the opening day. I had high hopes for it and was not disappointed! It had laughter, drama, traditional canon elements. It was by far the best of the 11 movies. I will try to go see it at least twice more!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Summer Blockbuster 1: X-Men Origins : Wolverine

A few weeks ago, my wife and I saw X-Men Origins: Wolverine. It was a great movie which helps us to understand the complexity of probably the most popular X-Men. Well worth the $10 to see.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Edward Cullen (Twilight) vs Darth Vader (Star Wars)

My wife is a Twilight addict. For those who do not know Twilight, it is the story of a vampire and a human girl who fall in love. Anyway, we Twilighter husbands are fighting back after loosing our partners. If you want to read a great blog about the fight to prevent Edward Cullen from ruining our relationships, check out this blog. It is SOOOOOOO funny, I was laughing continuously!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Chuck Norris Facts

If you are a fan of the legendary Chuck Norris, please check out this site dedicated to interesting "facts" about the man.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

D&D Co-Creator Dave Arneson Passes Away

I was visiting the KenzerCo website today and saw this tribute to Dave Arneson, who with Gary E. Gygax, created the original Dungeons and Dragons role-playing game. He passed away 13 months after Gary's passing.

Here is a link for information on Dave and below is the tribute to Dave from KenzerCo.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fool's Day!

Here is a list of 7 tech pranks you can play on colleagues today.

Check it out here!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Good old games

I just found a great post on Download Squad. A new service is available where you can buy classic games. Check it out here!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Star Trek Starship Tactical Combat Simulator

Back in 1985, FASA Corporation published a Star Trek Role Playing Game (RPG) that myself, my brother and many friends all enjoyed playing even before we got into D & D. Part of the game included a ship combat simulator that was a blast to play all by itself.

I was browsing the internet and came upon this GREAT site dedicated to it. I would like to thank the site`s creator, Brad Torgersen, for his hard work. I look forward to using his work in my next game.

Here are some pictures of the Klingon D-4 cruiser that Brad redrew for his site.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Time Waster - Tiny Trials

Here is a new Time Waster- Tiny Trials. Small games that are a blast to play. Found it on Download Squad.

Check it out here!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St-Patrick's Day!!!

Top o' the morning to you! Today is the day when everybody is Irish.

Have some fun and wear green!

Check out some fun facts here!

Periodic Table of Typefaces

Here's a cool spoof of high school chemistry class for font lovers.

Check it out here!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Beware the Ides of March

Today is the 15ht day or March, which in Roman times, was a day of celebration in honor of the god of war, Mars. It was also, in 44BC, the day that Julius Caesar was assassinated. To find out more, check out Wikipedia.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Time Waster - Doom

For those of you who remember the days of 486 computers with DOS as your OS, DOOM was a classic that is near and dear to our hearts. Download Squad located a Flash version of the game for you to play. FREE!!!

Check it out here!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Montreal Babylon 5 CCG blog


Last week, I became a contributor to the Montreal Babylon 5 CCG blog. Check it out if you are interested in learning about the game.

Montreal B5 CCG Blog

Friday, February 27, 2009

Welcome to the Fortress of Fun!

Greetings lovers of games, movies, jokes and all things fun! This blog is dedicated to sharing fun info with everyone. Send me your ideas and I will be happy to share them with all.